Highly Accurate LiDAR
The Zenmuse L2 embeds a powerful Frame-Based LiDAR module, delivering highly efficient and accurate data for a wide range of applications.
5-Returns Supported
Even in densely vegetated areas such as forests, the Zenmuse L2 can still capture ground points below the foilage. With 5 returns, the L2 can collect more accurate data.
Two Scan Modes
The Zenmuse L2 can be set up to operate in two modes. Firstly, repetitive scanning allows the L2 to achieve more accurate point clouds while meeting most precision mapping requirements. In non-repetitive scanning mode, the L2 gets deeper penetration for structural information, making this mode ideal for infrastructure and forestry.
Advanced IMU
The Zenmuse L2 utilizes a DJI IMU system that combines data from the drone's RTK system for data fusion during post-processing, giving highly accurate and precise data.
RGB Camera
Besides the LiDAR sensor, the L2 features an RGB color camera used for mapping. The RGB camera has a 3.3 μm pixel size and has up to 20 MP of effective pixels. The mapping camera has a max shutter count up to 200,000 times, lowering costs.
Various Applications
The Zenmuse L2 can be used for a range of applications, such as land surveying and management, electrical grid and infrastructure surveying and monitoring, forestry monitoring, and more.
Order the Zenmuse L2 today.
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